Our current stock is sold out. We will post an update as soon as we have a delivery date for additional units.

About TiRx Moto LLC

TiRx (pronounced Tire – Ex). 

Chuck Tornga, Inventor, Founder

Managing tires is simply the most important maintenance task for motorcyclists. TiRx was invented to provide a changer that is affordable, compact, and is easy enough to use that owners who are the real deal motorcyclists will be willing to maintain their own tires, wheels, bearings and brakes. Changing tires with tire irons is a difficult job that can tear up wheel rims and tire beads.  The standard tire changing machine is expensive, takes a lot of space to use and store, and still takes a substantial amount of effort to operate. If you haven’t been changing your own tires then you will be amazed by how much time and money you save by changing tires you purchase on line instead of waiting for your dealer to fit you in a busy schedule to install and balance the tires that happen to be in stock.

TiRx Moto LLC was established by the inventor of the TiRx sportbike tire changing system. Receiving a US patent for the basic design was just the beginning.  Endless subtle changes were required to make the changer a practical must-have tool. A unique duckhead was designed to minimize the effort required to slide the tire bead over the wheel rim. A compression roller devise was developed to center the tire in the drop center of the wheel to minimize the stress on both sidewalls for easier mounting, and this device was also modified to become the bead breaker.  Other developments included Omega clips to hold the tire sidewall in the drop center of the wheel while rotating the tire, bead clips to prevent the tire bead from re-seating during removal and stay seated during mounting process, and bushings to adapt the changer to a range of wheel bearing diameters.  After almost a decade of development the TiRx changer is now being produced by a team of manufacturers in Pennsylvania and Maryland.

The TiRx changer can be ordered at our Web Site “TiRxMoto.com”, or at race tracks and motorcycling events during specially scheduled demonstrations.